Getting Started with EVO Gift API (CERT)


Authorization is easy, just pass your authenticator in the body of the request. The authenticator is 22 characters long.

"authenticator": "22CharacterMerchantKey"

Content Types

Communicate with us in your favorite content type!

We support the following for Content-Type:

HTTP Responses

see Response payload for more detail


TranCode Description
Issue Activate and load funds on an account
Create Generate a new account number
Load Increase the currency balance on an account
Redeem Decrease the currency balance on an account
Loyalty Adjust the points balance on an account
Set Set an attribute of an account (identifier, locked status, currency/points balances)
Balance Retrieve the currency and/or points balance for the specified account
Void Undo the effect of a previous transaction by reference number
Detail Replay the response from a previous tranastion by reference number


(R = Required, C = Conditional, O = Optional)

Payload Element Issue Create Load Redeem Loyalty Set Balance Void Detail
authenticator R R R R R R R R R
trancode R R R R R R R R R
track21 C C C C C C
account1 C C C C C C
cvv O O O O O O
override_cvv O O O O O O
amount O R R
points2 O O O R
invoice O O O O O
override_duplicate O O O O
partial_auth O
promo O O O
identifier3 O C
locked3 O C
balance3 O C
points_balance3 O C
reference R R
trace_data O O O O O O O O O

1 If conditional, only one of these elements is required.
2 Sign affects direction of adjustment.
3 If conditional, at least one of these elements is required.


(A = Always, C = Conditional)*

Payload Element Issue Create Load Redeem Loyalty Set Balance Void Detail
response_code1 A A A A A A A A A
status1 A A A A A A A A A
message1 A A A A A A A A A
trancode A A A A A A A A A
reference A C A A A C A A
account A A A A A A A A A
cvv A
amount C A A A A
balance A A A A A C A A A
points C C C A C C C
points_balance C C C C C C C C
invoice C C C C C C
locked C C
amount_adjusted C
promo C C C C
voided C
human_readable A
track1 A
track2 A
balance_url A
voided_id A
trace_data C C C C C C C C C

* This table shows behavior of Approved transactions.
1 Always returned regardless of status. Use response_code for programmatic behavior.

Data Types

Payload Element Type Minimum Maximum
account string 30
amount decimal 0.01 214748.36
amount_adjusted decimal -214748.36 214748.36
balance decimal -214748.36 214748.36
balance_url string 50
cvv string 3
human_readable string 30
identifier string 30
invoice string 16
locked boolean
authenticator string 22
message string 50
override_cvv boolean
override_duplicate boolean
partial_auth boolean
points integer -32768 32767
points_balance integer 0 32767
promo boolean
reference integer 0 263
response_code integer 1000 9999
status string 50
track1 string 50
track2 string 50
trancode string 50
voided boolean
voided_id integer 0 263
trace_data string 100

Response Codes

Response Codes are 4-digit numbers. The leftmost number, or thousands place, indicates the status.

Thousands Status
1 Approved
2 Partial
3 Duplicate
4 Declined
5 Invalid
9 Error

Call GET /v1/transactions/response_codes for response code details

JSON Example Redeem Request

POST https://[base_url]/v1/transactions

Content-Type: application/json

"authenticator": "HM8draWRMkWMc+H8bK3tnQ",
"trancode": "Redeem",
"amount": 5.12,
"track2": ";5614760000000000003=3912000123?",
"trace_data": "123456789012345"

JSON Example Redeem Response

200 OK

 "response_code": 1000,
 "status": "Approved",
 "message": "Approved",
 "trancode": "Redeem",
 "reference": 39,
 "account": "5614760000000000003",
 "amount": 5.12,
 "balance": 186.25,
 "trace_data": "123456789012345"

XML Example Redeem Request

POST https://[base_url]/v1/transactions

Content-Type: application/xml


XML Example Redeem Response

200 OK

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Version: 2.0.3711